Gilles Le Corre, images
Gilles Le Corre, images.


Catalogue of available studies. Unique price: 120€, including postage delivery, in a tube.

Clic on picture to enlarge. Safety payment online via Pay Pal.
All studies: dry technics, watercolor and/or acrylics on paper prepared with flax oil and acrylics

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Nr 24... 120€
23 x 31 cm (2002)

Nr 35... 120€
20,5 x 29,5 cm (10/2005)


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Nr 44... 120€
25 x 35,5 cm (1/2006)

Nr 52... 120€
20,8 x 29,5 cm (2/2006)

Nr 57... 120€
20,9 x 29,6 cm (1/2006)

Nr 69... 120€
22 x 29,7 cm (11/2006)

Nr 70... 120€
24,8 x 30,8 cm (1/2007)

Nr 72... 120€
24,7 x 29,6 cm (2/2007)


Nr 73... 120€
23,4 x 29,6 cm (2/2007)

Nr 76... 120€
24 x 42 cm (4/2007)

Nr 77
27,2 x 38,8 cm (4/2007)

Nr 80... 120€
20,2 x 29,7 cm (11/2006)

Nr 84... 120€
±28,4 x 39,5cm (8/2007)

Nr 85... 120€
±26,5 x 36,8 cm (8/2007)


Nr 4... 120€
24 x 32 cm (8/2004)

Nr 16... 120€
23 x 31 cm (8/2004)


Nr 40... 120€
20.8 x 29.6cm (11/2005)

Nr 55... 120€
20.8 x 29.6cm (3/2006)

Nr 90... 120€
21 x 29.7cm (8/2006)

Nr 91... 120€
21 x 29.7cm (5/2006)


